My face should have loaded here :(
Erik Farmer


At work we have been using AWS lambda combined with API Gateway more and more. The hardest part about getting a somewhat complicated project up in a serverless architecture is all of the tooling for builds (all python C binary dependencies need to be bundled and included after being compiled on an Amazon Linux AMI) and deployment (adding new endpoints/lambda functions/etc)

In my limited experience making some Prod viable APIs NOTHING beatsZappa. The goal of Zappa is to take an wsgi based python app and create a serverless deployment on AWS. In my professional and personal use I have converted flask apps running in containers on C4 EC2 instances to APIs that cost less than $5/month to run. Here are some of the awesome things Zappa takes care of:

  • bundling your code
  • including c dependencies
  • deployment of your lambda functions and API Gateway settings (via Cloud Formation)
  • a variety of non-api gateway integrations (S3, CloudWatch, SNS, etc)
  • an async decorator to perform long running tasks
  • CLI based updates/rollback
  • S3 hosted configuration

As a primarily python/flask dev getting side-projects or work MVPs up and running on the cheap has never been easier.
