My face should have loaded here :(
Erik Farmer

$ whoami

I am a programmer in the California Bay Area.

During my undergrad I interned for a Bay Area video game publisher and wanted to be in the games industry. After graduating and working in the field full time I realized that the day to day work did not carry the same excitement as working a trade show floor did.

I had been learning basic ruby and python on the side and found the challenge so enjoyable I decided to quit my job and commit to learning web development full time. That was 2013, since then I have worked with a satellite hardware start up, as an internal application consultant at Google and currently as a software engineer with Clover Health.

I love back end development and currently use Python/Postgres heavily. I also have experience working with Ruby on Rails and Django/Flask but more importantly I enjoy learning new things.

In my free time I like to make small tools that help me learn more about programming, explore the outdoors with my dog, and building gaming PCs.


Here are some random things I built in my spare time.

App Learning Objective
Let's Get Crockin'! Static site deployment with Google App Engine.
Heartstone Threats Learn basic Ember.js site architecture.
Hearthstone API API development with Ruby on Rails.
Reddit Gold Tracker Running commands using Heroku style cron tasks.


  • New Laptop Setup

    I’ve had to setup new laptops for web development a handful of times and I usually miss one or two things that stop me from moving onto a project.

  • Dedicated Project Time

    For me the best way to routinely go to the gym is to have a friend looking to go as well. You help motivate each other to go even when you're tired, or sore from the day before, or are thinking of the dozen other things you want or need to do before going to bed.

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