My face should have loaded here :(
Erik Farmer


  • New Laptop Setup

    I’ve had to setup new laptops for web development a handful of times and I usually miss one or two things that stop me from moving onto a project.

  • Dedicated Project Time

    For me the best way to routinely go to the gym is to have a friend looking to go as well. You help motivate each other to go even when you're tired, or sore from the day before, or are thinking of the dozen other things you want or need to do before going to bed.

  • AWS Summit SF

    I was able to sneak away to San Francisco this week and attend the AWS summit.

  • Zappa

    At work we have been using AWS lambda combined with API Gateway more and more. The hardest part about getting a somewhat complicated project up in a serverless architecture is all of the tooling for builds (all python C binary dependencies need to be bundled and included after being compiled on an Amazon Linux AMI) and deployment (adding new endpoints/lambda functions/etc)

  • Raspberry Pi Emulators

    If you're looking for an NES Classic but having no luck check out RetroPi

  • First Annual PyBay!

    Just around 10 days after I mentioned that I never go to conferences I was able to attend another one! PyBay, a spawn of the SF Python MeetUp group, was over the weekend.

  • Def Con 24

    I haven't been to a conference since I worked E3 in 2013. Actually that's a lie; I went to Blizzcon in 2014 (and get to go again this year w00t)

  • Lambda #allthethings

    One of the efforts I was hired on for at getTalent was to implement a microservice architecture. That meant breaking up lots of web2py code into focused flask applications. It was a good experience that allowed me to see different parts of the application one section at a time and afforded me the opportunity to make changes as each commit was essentially a fresh check in.

  • Launching Moni-tour with Angular

    In an effort to get better at Angular I decided to create a small side project focusing on my love for PC hardware (there are worse hobbies ok!).

  • Diving into Directives

    While I was working on a backend service in flask I was looking at some frontend code and though to myself "there has got to be a better way!"

  • My introduction to the world of containers

    One of the most exciting parts of my new job is getting to try out new technologies. Currently I am exploring Docker and container management through Kubernetes and Amazon ECS. In my learning I made a small repo that shows how do go from a local flask dev server to a Docker multi container setup.

  • Good news after time away

    I had recently taken some time off from side projects and learning (but for good reason!) but have returned to hopefully blog more!

  • Django Auth Skeleton

    I've been wanting to post up a Django auth demo app to get some feedback (internal apps at work are authenticated via a Google account obviously). Unfortunately I wanted to use Polymer 1.0 but there aren't any solid tutorials out yet and the documentation is still a work in progress.

  • Material Design Frameworks

    As part of my effort start more side projects I realized that I should probably start to deviate from vanilla Twitter Bootstrap. Don't get me wrong I love how easy it is to have a mobile ready site with little to no effort but with all my work at Google transitioning to use Material Design I wanted to shift to something more modern.

  • New Site!

    Back when I was learning to program I had a blog to chronicle my journey. Unfortunately once I started my first internship it fell by the wayside as I was spending more time off the clock filling my newly found knowledge gaps. Now that I am starting to write more code at home and continuously learning I want to write more about my personal growth as a Junior Developer.
